how salt can be used
Healing, detoxifying and anti-age usage.
The Phoenicians were the first in the salt-production process: they were able to take advantage of the favourable location (consisting of a flat and wide coastline) and of the advantageous climatic conditions (winds, temperature and humidity level) in order to install some basins in this area for the extraction of salt, which was then exported to other Mediterranean countries. For the production it is necessary a high salinity level of the sea, the almost constant presence of wind and a low rainfall. The principle of salt processing is simple: the sea water is gradually poured into various tanks of different sizes and levels causing evaporation and letting the sodium chloride settle on the bottom, from where it is collected in order to be transported to the main embankment. The salt production takes place through a process lasting 5-7 months while the harvest of the final product is during the summer, precisely in August.
Sea salt is good for culinary purposes and many other uses:
Whole sea salt is the best antibiotic, a natural antitumoural/antibacterial/anti-inflammatory agent, a detoxifying and relaxing product. This kind of salt – in addition to sodium chloride – contains mineral “impurities” (sulfates, calcium, magnesium, potassium, iron and traces of strontium, manganese, iodine, zinc, fluorides, silver, boron, silicon, copper and many others) which are as important as the other minerals and vitamins for our body. The crystals of sea salt has therapeutic benefits because – thanks to its 82 elements – it may prevent and treat many disorders.
Any living being needs at least 4/6 grams of salt per day. The sea salt stimulates digestion, has hygroscopic and antibiotic properties, is an excellent preservative, gives energy and half of a teaspoon of it dissolved in half a glass of water is an excellent remedy for the treatment of depression, anxiety and stress. A tablespoon of salt in a liter of warm water (after drinking 10/16 glasses) contrasts constipation, meteorism, flatulence, kidney stones, contact allergies, cleanses the intestine and helps in case of acne and other dermatological problems. For this treatment you should not be suffering from hypertension, low blood pressure, ulcer, ulcerative colitis, diseases of the digestive system and cardiovascular diseases.
If we someone suffers from cervical pain, it is possible to treat it by warming a bit of salt in a non-stick pan: after putting the coarse salt in the pan, it is necessary to leave it there until it starts crackling. At this point, remove it from the pan and place it inside a double flannel bag, which will then be closed to ensure that the salt does not get out. After this, you only need to place it exactly where you feel the pain. You will notice immediate relief and a reduction of annoyance. Hot salt is also used to treat muscle pain, rheumatism in the limbs, stiff neck and to calm the cough by placing it on the chest.
After filling the bathtub with really warm water, add 1 kg of salt and mix in order to make it melt completely before dipping yourself. This is the ideal bath in cases of acne, abscesses, swelling, irritation, insect bites, muscle disorders, contractures, sprains and back pain.
If you are willing to whiten your teeth you can use a toothpaste in powder directly created on the toothbrush by simply mixing 1 tablespoon of salt and 2 tablespoons of baking soda. It is a useful solution to remove plaque and keep your gums healthy. However, considering that it has too abrasive effects, it is suggested to be used only once a week or once every 15 days.
After preparing a special solution consisting of two tablespoons of salt in a liter of water, immerse a horsehair glove into it, then mix it a bit and start massaging your face gently; it is the most powerful skin purification remedy above all for those people who live in cities where pollution is a constant enemy of our skin. Salt crystals are a true cure, not only for the body, but they also have a remarkable anti-stress and anti-anxiety action, especially when associated with exposure to sunlight.
The fluoride contained in the whole sea salt is able to prevent the formation of dental caries.
Washing the raw vegetables in water and salt helps to remove all the parasitic organisms, the remaining soil and any chemical product. A handful of salt in the barbecue, while cooking fat foods, reduces the flame and the emission of smoke. All the oil-stained pans can be easily cleaned by rubbing salt into them with paper. The smell of the onion can be eliminated from our hands by simply rubbing them with salt moistened in vinegar. If eggs are boiled in water and salt are easier to peel. Moreover, the worse tea or coffee stains on the cups can be removed with a bit of salt. It is also interesting that before storing cheese in our fridge, it is preserved from mould by wrapping it in a damp cloth with water and salt. In addition to this, the ivory objects – such as the piano keys – are perfectly cleaned by rubbing gently with a cloth previously dampened in a mixture of salt and lemon. Finally, cut flowers last longer with the addition of a pinch of salt to the water in the vase.
Experience the tradition and discover the Salt-pans.
It is necessary to get lost into the colours and the history of an ancient tradition in order to fully understand the atmosphere of such a unique place.